In mere days I will be on another plane. My first of 2019 - not bad seeing as the New Year is only a week old. One of the best parts of my job has always been the anticipation of the next destination… and this trip is no exception. My next flight will be taking me to Houston, Texas for the National Development Summit…the USA’s annual Rugby Development Conference for coaches, referees, administrators, and players from around the country!
With Rugby being one of the fastest growing sports in the USA, this is a must-do for anyone and everyone who takes their game seriously. The speakers will include Men’s and Women’s National Team Coaches, National Panel Referees, National Team Players, Top Level Administrators and Top Medical Professionals. And of course the exhibitors will include the team from Rugby Tours International, on our third outing at the Summit.
If you love Rugby, we’re sure you’re already registered to attend, and if you’re not, why not? Click Here to get registered today.
We look forward to having you come along and meet Travis, Dan and I between January 11-13 at the Crown Plaza Houston.
Game On!