Whats involved.
After developing and operating Rugby tours across the globe for the last 25 years, Rugby Tours International was created by the teams at Tour Time in Auckland, New Zealand, Sydney (Australia) and Phoenix, Arizona (USA). With Rugby’s rich history and tradition worldwide and now officially the fastest growing team sport in the United States, we decided to create a tour company 100% dedicated to the sport of Rugby.
Rugby Tours International provides unique custom experiences unlike any other tour company in the world. With our own offices and staff in New Zealand, Australia, Argentina and the United States, together with our talented affiliate partners in South Africa, Europe and Asia, your travel group will benefit greatly from our expertise on both an international and local level.
We look forward to consulting with you and discussing your travel ideas in order to design the perfect program for your Rugby tour group. Together, we will create an travel experience like never before.
We greatly appreciate our Rugby tour groups and welcome your feedback and suggestions. Use our Contact Us page to tell us what we are doing right or what we can improve on.
Brent Imrie
President, Rugby Tours